home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 rem *** spelling drill ***
- 2 rem *** an original program by ***
- 3 rem *** donna k. woody ***
- 10 poke53272,23:printchr$(8)
- 15 dimw$(25),s1$(25),s2$(25),s3$(25),an$(25),d(25):s=65520
- 20 poke53280,5:poke53281,1:printchr$(31)
- 25 poke783,peek(783)and254:printchr$(14):printchr$(8)
- 30 goto180
- 40 poke783,peek(783)and254:poke781,6:poke782,0:syss
- 50 forx=1to640:print" ";:next:return
- 177 :
- 178 rem *** title page ***
- 179 :
- 180 printchr$(147)
- 185 poke783,peek(783)and254
- 190 poke781,5:poke782,13:syss:print"[211][208][197][204][204][201][206][199] [196][210][201][204][204]"
- 200 poke781,8:poke782,19:syss:print"by"
- 205 poke781,11:poke782,13:syss:print"[196]onna [203]. [215]oody"
- 210 poke781,23:poke782,3:syss:print"[215]ould you like instructions (y/n)?[160]";:
- 220 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"anda$<>"[217]"anda$<>"[206]"then220
- 230 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thengosub5000:rem * instructions *
- 240 printchr$(147)
- 242 gosub11000:rem * choose file *
- 244 gosub10000:ifcz=62then242
- 245 poke781,10:poke782,0:syss:print"[208]lease wait......."
- 247 print:print"[204]oading file......."
- 248 open15,8,15
- 250 open4,8,4,"0:"+fi$+",seq,read"
- 270 input#4,nu
- 280 fori=1tonu
- 290 input#4,w$(i),s1$(i),s2$(i),s3$(i),an$(i)
- 300 nexti
- 302 close4:close15
- 303 gosub11100
- 304 gosub11200
- 306 ifflag=1thenflag=0:goto11300
- 311 r=o:i=0
- 312 fori=1tonu
- 314 printchr$(147):printtab(12)"[211][208][197][204][204][201][206][199][160][196][210][201][204][204]"
- 315 printchr$(19):poke781,2:poke782,28:syss:printr"/"i-1
- 320 forz=1to40:print"=";:next
- 332 poke781,4:poke782,13:syss:print"definition #"i:print
- 334 printw$(d(i)):print
- 340 print" [193]. "s1$(d(i)):print
- 350 print" [194].[160]"s2$(d(i)):print
- 360 print" [195]. "s3$(d(i)):print
- 370 poke781,15:poke782,0:syss:print" -->[160]";
- 380 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 385 ifa$<>"a"anda$<>"b"anda$<>"c"anda$<>"[193]"anda$<>"[194]"anda$<>"[195]"then370
- 386 printa$
- 387 ifa$="[193]"thena$="a"
- 388 ifa$="[194]"thena$="b"
- 389 ifa$="[195]"thena$="c"
- 430 printchr$(144)
- 432 ifa$=an$(d(i))thenwr$="[210][201][199][200][212]!!!"
- 434 ifa$<>an$(d(i))thenwr$="[215][210][207][206][199]!"
- 436 poke781,18:poke782,10:syss:print" [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]"wr$
- 440 ifa$=an$(d(i))then485
- 480 poke781,20:poke782,0:syss:print"[195]orrect answer is "an$(d(i))
- 485 ifa$=an$(d(i))thenr=r+1
- 490 ifa$<>an$(d(i))thenprint""
- 492 printchr$(31)
- 500 poke781,23:poke782,1:syss:print"[208]ress [211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210] to continue.";:
- 510 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>" "then510
- 520 poke781,18:poke782,10:syss:print" "
- 530 nexti
- 600 printchr$(147):printtab(13)"[211][208][197][204][204][201][206][199][160][196][210][201][204][204]"
- 605 pc=int((r/nu)*100)
- 610 ifpc>=90thenprintchr$(144)
- 620 poke781,3:poke782,0:syss:print"90% - 100% -- [197]xcellent! ":printchr$(31)
- 630 ifpc>=70andpc<90thenprintchr$(144)
- 640 poke781,5:poke782,0:syss:print"70% - 80% -- [214]ery good!":printchr$(31)
- 650 ifpc>=60andpc<70thenprintchr$(144)
- 660 poke781,7:poke782,0:syss:print"60% - 70% -- [198]air":printchr$(31)
- 680 ifpc>=50andpc<60thenprintchr$(144)
- 690 poke781,9:poke782,0:syss:print"50% - 60% -- [206]ot too good"
- 700 printchr$(31)
- 710 ifpc<50thenprintchr$(144)
- 720 poke781,11:poke782,0:syss:print" 0% - 50% -- [215]e know you didn't cheat"
- 730 printchr$(31)
- 810 poke781,20:poke782,0:syss:print"[208]ress <[210]> to repeat the test."
- 820 print"[208]ress <[204]> to go back to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210].":print"[208]ress <[193]> for another test."
- 830 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"r"anda$<>"l"anda$<>"a"then830
- 835 ifa$<>"r"anda$<>"l"anda$<>"a"anda$<>"[210]"anda$<>"[204]"anda$<>"[193]"then810
- 840 ifa$="r"ora$="[210]"thenprintchr$(147):goto311
- 845 ifa$="a"ora$="[193]"thenprintchr$(147):goto240
- 850 ifa$="l"ora$="[204]"thenprintchr$(147):goto63000
- 4999 :
- 5000 rem *** instructions ***
- 5001 :
- 5010 fori=1to2
- 5015 printchr$(147)
- 5020 forj=1to10
- 5030 reada$:printa$:print
- 5040 nextj
- 5050 poke781,23:poke782,6:syss:print"press space bar to continue";
- 5060 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>" "then5060
- 5070 nexti
- 5080 return
- 6000 data" [215]elcome to [211][208][197][204][204][201][206][199][160][196][210][201][204][204]! [206]ot only"
- 6005 data"will you learn how to spell, but you'll"
- 6007 data"also increase your vocabulary!"
- 6010 data" [200]ere are some of the words that seem"
- 6012 data"to give everyone a lot of trouble. [215]e"
- 6015 data"are also going to include some words"
- 6020 data"you may not have heard of before, just"
- 6022 data"to keep things interesting!"
- 6025 data" [217]ou will be given a definition of a"
- 6030 data"word and three possible spellings."
- 6031 data"choose the spelling you think (or know)"
- 6032 data"is right. [193]nswers are entered with a"
- 6033 data"single keystroke. [217]ou do not need to"
- 6034 data"press the <[210][197][212][213][210][206]> key."
- 6046 data" [217]our score is shown in the upper"
- 6047 data"right-hand corner. [193]fter the test is"
- 6048 data"over, you will be given a score based"
- 6049 data"on the number of questions you answered"
- 6050 data"correctly."
- 6052 data" [200]ave fun and good luck!"
- 9997 :
- 9998 rem *** check for file ***
- 9999 :
- 10000 open15,8,15
- 10005 open4,8,4,"0:"+fi$+",seq,read":close4
- 10010 print#15,cz,mz$,sz,tz:close15
- 10020 ifcz=0thenreturn
- 10030 ifcz=62thenprintchr$(147):print"[212]hat file does not exist on this disk."
- 10040 print:print:print"[196]o you want to continue (y/n)?[160]";:poke198,0:wait198,1:ge
- 10050 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"thenprintchr$(147):return
- 10060 ifa$="n"ora$="n"thenprintchr$(147):end
- 10070 print"[145][145][145][145]":goto10040
- 10997 :
- 10998 rem *** choose file ***
- 10999 :
- 11000 printchr$(147):print:printtab(13)"[211][208][197][204][204][201][206][199][160][196][210][201][204][204]":print:print:print
- 11002 pc=0:r=0
- 11005 print:print" 0. [197]xit program"
- 11010 print:print" 1. [211]pelling [215]ords #1"
- 11020 print:print" 2. [211]pelling [215]ords #2"
- 11040 print:print:print" [197]nter selection (0 - 2) ";:poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 11050 ifa$="0"then 63000
- 11060 ifa$="1"then fi$="words.1":printchr$(147):goto11095
- 11070 ifa$="2"then fi$="words.2":printchr$(147):goto11095
- 11090 poke781,12:poke782,0:syss:goto11040
- 11095 return
- 11100 forx=1tonu:d(x)=x:next
- 11110 fori=1tonu:d%=(rnd(1)*nu)+1:dt=d(i):d(i)=d(d%):d(d%)=dt:next
- 11120 return
- 11197 :
- 11198 rem *** print? ***
- 11199 :
- 11200 printchr$(147)
- 11210 poke781,5:poke782,0:syss
- 11215 print"[196]o you want [211][208][197][204][204][201][206][199] [196][210][201][204][204] printed out (y/n)?[160]";:
- 11220 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 11230 ifa$="[217]"ora$="y"thenflag=1:goto11260
- 11240 ifa$="[206]"ora$="n"thenflag=0:goto11260
- 11250 poke781,22:poke782,1:syss:print"[208]lease answer 'y' or 'n'.":goto11210
- 11260 return
- 11297 :
- 11298 rem *** print drill ***
- 11299 :
- 11300 printchr$(147)
- 11310 print"[205]ake sure your printer is correctly hooked up to your computer."
- 11320 print:print
- 11330 print"[204]ine up the paper at the top of the page."
- 11340 print:print
- 11350 print"[212]urn on your printer."
- 11360 print:print
- 11370 print"[208]ress <f1> function key when you are ready to print."
- 11380 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 11390 ifasc(a$)<>133then11380
- 11400 open4,4,7:cmd4
- 11410 print"[211][208][197][204][204][201][206][199][160][196][210][201][204][204]"
- 11420 print:print"[206][193][205][197]: [196][193][212][197]:":print:print
- 11425 c1=6:p=2
- 11430 fori=1tonu
- 11435 print"[209]uestion #"i
- 11440 printw$(d(i))
- 11450 print" [193]. "s1$(d(i))
- 11460 print" [194].[160]"s2$(d(i))
- 11470 print" [195]. "s3$(d(i))
- 11480 print"[193]nswer is -->[160]"
- 11485 c1=c1+7:ifc1>=62thenc1=3:print:print:print:print:print"[208]age "p:p=p+1
- 11490 print:next
- 11495 print#4
- 11500 close4
- 11505 printchr$(147)
- 11510 print"[204]ine up the paper at the top of the page for the answers."
- 11520 print:print
- 11530 print"[212]urn on your printer."
- 11540 print:print
- 11550 print"[208]ress <f1> function key when you are ready to print."
- 11560 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 11570 ifasc(a$)<>133then11560
- 11575 open4,4,7:cmd4
- 11580 print"[211][208][197][204][204][201][206][199] [196][210][201][204][204] [193][206][211][215][197][210][211]":print:print
- 11590 fori=1tonu
- 11600 print"[193]nswer #"i":";an$(d(i))
- 11610 next
- 11620 print#4:close4
- 11630 goto180
- 63000 rem link-back to loadstar
- 63010 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"hello"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63020 poke198,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end